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Frequently Asked

Got a question about Worrybook? These are the common ones, and the ones that have been asked and answered.

How do I download Worrybook?

If you're just looking to use Worrybook, it's available to you on the iOS App Store. If you're looking to help build Worrybook, look for the GitHub link at the bottom of the page.

How does Worrybook store my data?

Worrybook stores your data on-device, only. Your data belongs to you, so it never leaves your device and therefore is not processed remotely by anyone. Refreshingly simple, no? 

About Us

Worrybook was built in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic by an individual suffering from Anxiety and Panic. It was built to serve as a convenient in-your-pocket solution to help practice the popular Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) techniques Worry Time, Worry Diary, and Gratitude Diary.

It aims to support you in forming and adhering to these mental wellbeing habits. By recording, reviewing, and addressing your worries at regular intervals, it can help reduce the intensity and frequency of anxiety.


This application has been designed and developed to support the practice of existing psycho-therapy methods, which vary in effectiveness per-person, but does not claim to resolve mental health issues. It has not been designed, developed, or consulted upon by or with medical professionals, but by an individual with personal experience of mental health management techniques, habit forming, and a desire to help others.

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